
Showing posts from January, 2019

Video: आठ साल पहले ही टैरो कार्ड रीडर ने कर दिया था प्रियंका-निक की शादी का ऐलान

<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>नई दिल्ली:</strong> बॉलीवुड अभिनेत्री और पूर्व मिस वर्ल्ड प्रियंका चोपड़ा दो महीने पहले हुई अपनी शादी के बाद से ही काफी सुर्खियों में हैं. शादी के करीब दो महीने बाद प्रियंका बड़े पर्दे पर नज़र आने वाली हैं. प्रियंका ने इस फिल्म के प्रमोशन के लिए टॉक शो from bollywood

VIDEO: प्रियंका चोपड़ा की शादी में उनके इस फैसले से नाखुश थी मां, पूरी शादी में रहीं नाराज

<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>नई दिल्ली:</strong> शादी के बाद अभिनेत्री प्रियंका चोपड़ा की हॉलीवुड फिल्म 'इजन्ट इट रोमांटिक' रिलीज होने वाली है. इन दिनों ये अभिनेत्री इस फिल्म का प्रमोशन कर रही हैं. इसी सिलसिल में हाल ही में प्रियंका हाल ही में The Ellen DeGeneres के टॉक शो में पहुंचीं. from bollywood

Nirahua Chalal London: 'तोहरा चेहरा' गाने में दिखी निरहुआ-आम्रपाली की जबरदस्त केमेस्ट्री, फैंस ने कहा- गर्दा मचा दिहल!

<p class="title style-scope ytd-video-primary-info-renderer" style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Nirahua Chalal London:</strong> वैलेंटाइन डे के मौके पर भोजपुरी फिल्म 'निरहुआ चलल लंदन' रिलीज होने वाली है. ट्रेलर लॉन्च के समय से ही ये फिल्म काफी चर्चा में है. इस फिल्म में रोमांस के साथ जबरदस्त एक्शन भी देखने को मिलेगा. इस फिल्म में from bollywood

Lakme Fashion Week 2019: बॉलीवुड सितारों ने बिखेरा अपना जलवा, पुराने हिंदी गानों पर मॉडल्स ने किया रैंप वॉक

टीवी एक्टर गुरमीत चौधरी (पत्नी देबीना शो देखने आयीं थीं) और यामी गौतम ने अलग अलग डिज़ाइनर्स के लिए रैम्प पर वॉक किया। पहले दिन के अंत में डिज़ाइन रोहित बल ने \'गुलदस्ता\' नामक शो से लोगों का दिल जीत लिया। पूरे शो में मॉडल्स पुराने हिट हिंदी गाने from bollywood

Video: फैशन शो में रैंप वॉक के दौरान गिरते-गिरते बचीं यामी गौतम

<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Lakme Fashion Week 2019:</strong> मुंबई में लैक्मे फैशन वीक 2019 की शुरुआत हो चुकी है. इस शो से बॉलीवुड स्टार्स की काफी सारी खूबसूरत तस्वीरें और वीडियोज सामने आ रही हैं. ऐसे में यामी गौतम का एक वीडियो भी सोशल मीडिया पर काफी तेजी से वायरल हो from bollywood

मुंबई के रॉयल ओपेरा हाउस में हुआ लैक्मे फैशन वीक का ओपनिंग शो, देखें वीडियो

अभिनेत्री तब्बू और फ़िल्मकार करण जौहर ने लैक्मे फ़ैशन वीक 2019 के ओपनिंग डे पर डिज़ाइनर गौरव गुप्ता के शो पर रैम्प पर चलकर और शो स्टॉपर बनकर अपना-अपनाजलवा बिखेरा. from bollywood

IMDb Top 10 Indian Movies of 2018: 'अंधाधुन' सबसे ऊपर, तमिल फिल्म 'रातससन' और '96' को मिली शानदार रेटिंग

<p style="text-align: justify;">IMDb Top 10 Indian Movies of 2018: आईएमडीबी ने साल 2018 की टॉप रेटिंग वाली फिल्मों की लिस्ट जारी कर दी है. इस रेटिंग में आयुष्मान खुराना और तब्बू की सुपरहिट फिल्म 'अंधाधुन' ने बाजी मारते हुए नंबर वन पर कब्जा जमा लिया है. इस फिल्म को from bollywood

Lakme Fashion Week 2019: बेहद हॉट अंदाज में पहुंचीं मंदिरा बेदी, यहां देखिए बोल्ड तस्वीरें

आमतौर पर क्रिकेटर्स की वाइफ उनके नाम से जानी जाती है लेकिन आज हम आपको जिस वाइफ से मिलवाने जा रहे हैं वो अपने पति से भी ज्यादा फेमस है. चलिए जानते हैं कौन है ये क्रिकेट और उनकी वाइफ. सभी फोटोः इंस्टाग्राम from bollywood

Tiktok: दुल्हन बनकर एक्ट्रेस ने कहा, 'कट्टों का व्यापार है हमारा...' ये देखकर घायल हुए फैंस

<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>नई दिल्ली: </strong>भोजपुरी फिल्मों की अभिनेत्री और आइटम गर्ल गार्गी पंडित उर्फ प्रियंका पंडित सोशल मीडिया पर काफी एक्टिव हैं. ये अभिनेत्री अक्सर ही अपनी तस्वीरें और वीडियो पोस्ट करती रहती हैं जिसे उनके फैंस काफी पसंद करते हैं. प्रियंका पंडित टिकटॉक वीडियो बहुत ज्यादा शेयर करती हैं from bollywood

Lakme Fashion Week 2019: तब्बू पर थम गईं सबकी नजरें, रैंप पर ऐसे दिखाया जलवा

आमतौर पर क्रिकेटर्स की वाइफ उनके नाम से जानी जाती है लेकिन आज हम आपको जिस वाइफ से मिलवाने जा रहे हैं वो अपने पति से भी ज्यादा फेमस है. चलिए जानते हैं कौन है ये क्रिकेट और उनकी वाइफ. सभी फोटोः इंस्टाग्राम from bollywood

मेरी फिल्म में महिलाएं बोल्ड, कामुक होती हैं, लेकिन असभ्य नहीं होतीं- पूजा भट्ट

<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>मुंबई:</strong> 'जिस्म' जैसी फिल्म फ्रेंचाइजी के निर्माण से लेकर 'कैबरेट' जैसी फिल्म तक फिल्म निर्माता पूजा भट्ट 1990 से भारतीय सिनेमा में महिला की छवि की नई परिभाषाएं गढ़ती आ रही हैं. उनका कहना है कि महिला की कामुकता और सुंदरता का इस्तेमाल वह कभी असभ्य तरीके से from bollywood

फिल्म \'एक लड़की को देखा तो ऐसा लगा\' का नया प्रोमो हुआ रिलीज, देखिए मनोरंजन की खबरें

फिल्म \'एक लड़की को देखा तो ऐसा लगा\' का नया प्रोमो हुआ रिलीज, देखिए मनोरंजन की खबरें from bollywood

VIDEO: Alps के बर्फीले पहाड़ पर 'मणिकर्णिका' की कामयाबी का जश्न मना रही हैं कंगना रनौत

\'मणिकर्णिका: द क्वीन ऑफ झांसी\' सिनेमाघरों में शानदार कलेक्शन कर रही है. from bollywood

नोरा फतेही का नया गाना सोशल मीडिया पर मचा रहा धमाल, आप भी देखें VIDEO

बॉलीवुड की दिलबर गर्ल नोरा फतेही का हाल ही में एक नया गान रिलीज हुआ है. जिसमें अपने डांस से उन्होंने चार चांद लगा दिए हैं. नोरा फतेही अपने बैले डांस के लिए इंडस्ट्री में जानी जाती हैं और उनके इस टैंलेड की झलक इस नए गाने में भी from bollywood

VIDEO: Alps के बर्फीले पहाड़ पर स्कीइंग कर 'मणिकर्णिका' की कामयाबी का जश्न मना रही हैं कंगना रनौत

<strong>मुंबई:</strong> इधर 'मणिकर्णिका: द क्वीन ऑफ झांसी' सिनेमाघरों  में शानदार कलेक्शन कर रही है और दूसरी तरफ कंगना रनौत स्विट्ज़रलैंड में बर्फ की पहाड़ियों पर स्कीइंग कर फिल्म की कामयाबी का जश्न मना रही हैं. टीम कंगना रनौत ने अपने इंस्टाग्राम अकाउंट पर कंगना के स्कीइंग करने का एक वीडियो शेयर from bollywood

VIDEO: पोज़ देते वक्त पीछे अमिताभ बच्चन की तस्वीर देख भागीं रेखा, वीडियो हो रहा है वायरल

अभिनेत्री रेखा का यह वीडियो खूब वायरल हो रहा है. from bollywood

प्रयागराज पहुंचे डायरेक्टर प्रकाश झा, कुंभ मेले पर आधारित होगी अगली फिल्म

<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>लखनऊ</strong>: मशहूर फ़िल्म निर्माता और निर्देशक प्रकाश झा इन दिनों प्रयागराज में हैं. पिछले दो दिनों से वे कुंभ मेले में हैं. झा अखाड़ों के साधु संतों से मिल रहे हैं. नागा साधुओं को समझने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं. वे अपनी टीम के साथ सवेरे से from bollywood

पोज़ देते वक्त पीछे अमिताभ बच्चन की तस्वीर देख भागीं रेखा, वीडियो हो रहा है वायरल

<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>मुंबई</strong><strong>:</strong> अभिनेत्री रेखा का एक वीडियो वायरल हो रहा है, जिसमें पोज़ देते वक्त अचानक उनकी नज़र पीछे दीवार पर लगी अमिताभ बच्चन की तस्वीर पर पड़ती है और वो वहां से फौरन हट जाती हैं. रेखा का ये वीडिया डब्बू रतनानी के 20वें कैलेंडर लॉन्च के from bollywood

MeToo: राजकुमार हिरानी के पक्ष में बोलीं सोनम कपूर, कहा- अगर आरोप झूठे हुए तो?

एक्टर राजकुमार हिरानी पर लगे यौन शोषण के आरोप मामले में बॉलीवुड के ज्यादातर नामी एक्टर बोलने से बचते दिख रहे हैं. इसी क्रम में अब एक्टर सोनम कपूर आहूजा का नाम भी शामिल हो गया है. अपनी फिल्म 'एक लड़की को देखा तो ऐसा लगा' को प्रमोट करने पहुंची from bollywood

बाइक सवार तीन लोगों ने शमिता शेट्टी की कार को मारी टक्कर, गाली दी और ड्राइवर को भी पीटा, मामला दर्ज

<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>मुंबई</strong><strong>:</strong> अभिनेत्री शमिता शेट्टी ने तीन लोगों के खिलाफ बाइक से उनकी कार को टक्कर मारने, गाली गलौच करने, उनके ड्राइवर के साथ मारपीट करने और धमकाने के आरोप में एफआईआर दर्ज करवाई है. खबर के मुताबिक बाइक सवार लोगों ने पहले शमिता की गाड़ी को टक्कर from bollywood

TT Isle of Man XB1

Location: Birmingham ______________________________________________________ This message is automatically inserted in all classifieds forum threads. By replying to this thread you agree to abide by the trading rules detailed here . Please be advised, all buyers and sellers should satisfy themselves that the other party is genuine by providing the following via private conversation to each other after... TT Isle of Man XB1 from AVForums

Problem with H62BXL Cartridge

Hoping for some advice and help here. I own a Hp Envy 5540 I buy my inks from Stinky Ink which have been very good up to now but the last black cartage I have got does not work at all. If I print anything in black nothing comes out all I get is a blank page. I have tried 3 Black cartridges so far from Stinkyink which have been free of charge. The Colour ones are fine it is just the black one that is the trouble I have now ordered a HP cartage now hoping it will be OK. I have done what you... Problem with H62BXL Cartridge from AVForums

Epson TW9400/7400

Had a look on AVS Forum this morning and it looks like some info is starting to come in on Epson’s new projectors: Official Epson 5040ub/6040ub owners thread - Page 515 - AVS Forum | Home Theater Discussions And Reviews EPSON... Epson TW9400/7400 from AVForums

Resident Evil 2 remake

Location: Wrexham ______________________________________________________ This message is automatically inserted in all classifieds forum threads. By replying to this thread you agree to abide by the trading rules detailed here . Please be advised, all buyers and sellers should satisfy themselves that the other party is genuine by providing the following via private conversation to each other after... Resident Evil 2 remake from AVForums

hdmi to svideo converter

hi I have bought this converter tried laptop hdmi into it 4 pin svideo lead out to Panasonic plasma get a very distorted screen. any ideas [COLOR=rgb(157, 35,...[/U] ​ hdmi to svideo converter from AVForums

Forza Horizon 4 (digital or physical)

Think we'd prefer a digital copy but will see what people have. Will pay via PPG. If you have a low trader feedback rating payment will be made after successful receipt of the game (either via the post or code redemption!). Location: Derby ______________________________________________________ This message is automatically inserted in all classifieds forum threads. By replying to this thread you agree to abide by the trading rules detailed... Forza Horizon 4 (digital or physical) from AVForums

Hue GU10's Colour Ambience

Hi, As per title i'm looking for some GU10's Colour Ambiance. Need quite a few Location: LONDON ______________________________________________________ This message is automatically inserted in all classifieds forum threads. By replying to this thread you agree to abide by the trading rules detailed here . Please be advised, all buyers and sellers should satisfy themselves that the other party is... Hue GU10's Colour Ambience from AVForums

Emotiva XPA Gen 3, 3 Channel.

OK so I'm putting my Emotiva XPA Gen 3 on here, this is 3 channels but more can be added if need be. Emotiva XPA Gen3 Black Modular Power Amplifier (3 Channel) - AV Power Amplifiers - AudioVisual... Emotiva XPA Gen 3, 3 Channel. from AVForums

Hisense LTDN**K700XWTSEU3D Owners Thread

This will be available in 58" and 65" in the UK. Have the 65" on order to replace my Samsung 59d550 which has a couple of faults now. TVs | LTDN65K700XWTSEU3D - Hisense TVs | LTDN58K700XWTSEU - Hisense Regards Martin from AVForums

AOC 2460PG 144hz Monitor

Hey all, Finally decided that I no longer have the time to use my desktop pc and thus its being sold off, starting with the monitor. Its an AOC G2460PG, 144hz 1920x1080. Great monitor as new condition, no marks or dead pixels. Unfortunately I don't have the box so it will have to be cash on collection. All the best, Patrick Price and currency: 250.00 Delivery: Goods must be exchanged in person Payment method: Cash on Collection, Bank Transfer Location: ... AOC 2460PG 144hz Monitor from AVForums

Sony XE9005 Thread

Looks like the new possible bargain Sony LCD range is now on sale in the UK and available at either: Simply Electricals BRAVIA KD55XE9005 55" LED 4K HDR PREMIUM TV BRAVIA KD65XE9005 65" LED 4K HDR PREMIUM TV Crampton & Moore... Sony XE9005 Thread from AVForums

HP N40L Microserver or Similar

Hi all, I am looking for a HP N40L Microserver or something similar as mine has just given up the ghost reporting a critical error cant detect the fan even though it has been replaced, maybe something with more drive bays would be handy, open to ideas. Thanks in advance. Location: Thornton-Cleveleys ______________________________________________________ This message is automatically inserted in all classifieds forum threads. By replying to this thread you... HP N40L Microserver or Similar from AVForums

Lyngdorf discussion thread.

For discussing all matters Lyngdorf. from AVForums

Speaker connections

I think this will work but I would like to hear from you guys what you think. All speakers are mounted in the ceiling. I would like to connect x6 (or x3 stereo sets) of 8ohm speakers in 2 zones (x4 speakers in zone 1, x2 speakers in zone 2) to a 4ohm minimum stereo amp. Zone 1 would be wired with the speaker sets in series to provide a total impedance of 16ohms and be on the "speaker A" set, zone 2 would be wired directly to the "speaker B" set. So in A or B, A would see 16ohm and B would... Speaker connections from AVForums

Battlefield V

BATTLEFIELD V WORLD WAR 2 LIKE YOU’VE NEVER SEEN IT BEFORE Enter mankind’s greatest conflict with Battlefield™ V as the series goes back to its roots in a never-before-seen portrayal of World War 2. Take on immersive, all-out multiplayer with your squad in experiences like the vast Grand Operations and the cooperative Combined Arms, or witness human drama set against global combat in the single player War Stories. As you fight in epic, unexpected... Battlefield V from AVForums

5.1.4 Kef setup

I managed to get a Marantz SR6012 and a pair of Kef LS50's for front's but I have yet to decide on everything else needed for a 5.1.2 setup. Given that my party walls are paper thin, would I really need a sub? I was thinking: Centre: Kef Q650c or a single LS50 Rear: Kef Q150 x 2 Atmos: Kef Q50a x 4 Sub: SVS SB-1000 Also, for speaker stands, does it really matter what I get? Would welcome any suggestions. Thanks from AVForums

Who wants to be an AV Engineer?

I am one of the owners of a small AV company based in Central London. We specialise in high end residential custom install for high net worth individuals. We are looking to find another member for our team, and as there is such a wealth of knowledge and people interested in AV on these forums I thought I would see if there was any interest. We’re looking for a Junior/Trainee AV Engineer. The right candidate does not necessarily need to have any experience in AV installation as we can... Who wants to be an AV Engineer? from AVForums

Logitech G29 Racing Simulator

Hi up for sale is my racing simulator setup which can be used on PS4 or PC. It consists of the Logitech G29 racing wheel and pedals set, and a bucket racing seat and sturdy metal frame. The seat does slide back and fourth and is a great setup for anyone who wants to start up with a simulator. The steering wheel and pedals are in great condition as barely been used. Only selling due new job/family commitments so won't have time for this anymore. The seat and the frame easily come apart for... Logitech G29 Racing Simulator from AVForums

2017 Oled Yellow/Red Tint

Hi, I have climbed aboard the Oled train this year and have been delighted with what the technology provides. I do have an issue that I can’t seem to remedy though. I started with a 55” E7, it had a yellow tinted bar along the top of the screen. Even after a weeks’ worth of compensation cycles, while the banding improved, the tint remained the same. It can be seen in content, anything with snow or clouds, so for example watching this years season of GoT was a bit annoying. I decided to... 2017 Oled Yellow/Red Tint from AVForums

SteelSeries Arctis 5 7.1 RGB Surround Gaming Headset 2019 Edition

I have for sale a 2019 edition SteelSeries Arctis 5 7.1 RGB Surround Gaming Headset in Black A few months old and comes fully boxed like new with all accessories and manuals Works with PC, consoles and mobiles I've recently replaced these and now surplus to requirements I will consider sensible offers but any questions please feel free to send me a message Price and currency: £65 Delivery: Delivery cost is included within my country Payment method: BT or PayPal... SteelSeries Arctis 5 7.1 RGB Surround Gaming Headset 2019 Edition from AVForums

John Carpenter's The Fog 4k UHD Zavvi Steelbook

I am looking for a sealed copy of the UK Zavvi 4k UHD Steelbook of John Carpenter's The Fog Many thanks, Anthony. Location: Dudley ______________________________________________________ This message is automatically inserted in all classifieds forum threads. By replying to this thread you agree to abide by the trading rules detailed here . Please be advised, all buyers and sellers should satisfy... John Carpenter's The Fog 4k UHD Zavvi Steelbook from AVForums

Monitor audio mass help!

Hi Tempted to buy monitor audio mass 5.1 system as available and a good price as new mass model is available to but in the spring. Had a look at online info regarding new speakers. They look very small, question is can such small speakers give great sound and volume. I prefer the look of the older model available for 499. Has anyone got these and are you happy with them and the sub. John from AVForums

Today I learned (TIL)........

In an identical vein to the popular Reddit thread (TIL)...... TIL that the scratch-off panels on Lottery cards are made out of latex. What one thing did you learn today? from AVForums

US Announce new H1B Visa policy

The United States administration announced that it will switch to a new system to process H-1B visa applications from April 1. The new system will give priority to foreign workers with advanced degrees from a university or college in the US over those hired abroad. More than three lakh Indians are believed to be on this work permit. “These simple and smart changes are a positive benefit for employers, the foreign workers they seek to employ, and the agency’s adjudicators, helping the H-1B visa program work better,” said US Citizenship and Immigration Services Director L Francis Cissna in a statement. The US Citizenship and Immigration Services runs the H-1B programme. The H-1B visa allows US companies to employ skilled workers from abroad. In the first two years of Trump’s presidency, the administration had made it difficult to issue new H1-B visas or grant extensions to those already holding the visas. The new system is estimated to increase the number of beneficiaries in ...

J&K: 3 civilians injured in a grenade attack in Kulgam

The terrorists hurled the grenade at a local police station in Damhal Hanjipora. Security forces have launched a cordon and search operation to trace the terrorists. Militants lobbed the grenade at the local police station at Damhal Hanjipora in Kulgam district, a police official said. He said the grenade exploded by the roadside, resulting in injuries to three civilians. The injured have been rushed to a local hospital. Security forces have cordoned off the area and launched a hunt for the attackers.   from DDNews Feeds

Last rites of former Defence Minister George Fernandes to be held in New Delhi

Fernandes had been suffering from Alzheimer's disease for a long time and was down with swine flu for the last few days as well. George Fernandes was one of the most prominent leaders of the socialist movement in the 1970s. He was a senior Janata Dal leader before he founded the Samata Party. Georges Fernandes held several ministerial portfolios including communications, industry, and railways. He rose to prominence after his surprise victory in the 1967 parliamentary elections, over a Congress veteran in Mumbai. from DDNews Feeds

Union Minister Rajyavardhan Rathore inaugurated a Passport Service Centre at Koteputli in Rajasthan

The I&B Minister also inaugurated a solar plant at a school in Koteputli, Rajasthan. Solar power generated by this plant would fulfill the energy requirements of the school...and people residing in the area will also be benefitted by the power generated by this plant.     from DDNews Feeds

Pak Minister Talks To Hurriyat Leader, India Summons Envoy

The Foreign Secretary conveyed the Government of India’s condemnation in the strongest terms...saying it an attempt by Pakistan to subvert India’s unity and to violate India's sovereignty and territorial integrity, by none other than the Pakistan Foreign Minister. Foreign Secretary Vijay Gokhale had "underscored that by this action Pakistan has confirmed yet again that it officially abets and encourages individuals associated with terrorism and anti-India activities,". from DDNews Feeds

PM Narendra Modi to interact with Youth and Young Professionals

Earlier the Prime Minister dedicated the National Salt Satyagraha Memorial to the nation in Dandi where Bapu gave the ultimate civil disobedience challenge to the British colonial rulers. Spread over 15 acres, The memorial has 24-narrative murals depicting various events and stories from the historic 1930 Salt March.  Gandhi Ji with his small band of 80 Satyagrahis marched to Dandi, armed with strong resolve for a free India... This event stunned the entire world. Prime Minister Narendra Modi walked amongst these unknown icons. Speaking on the occasion, The Prime Minister stressed the need to free the nation of open defecation by the 150th birth anniversary of the father of the nation. from DDNews Feeds

Agusta scam accused Rajiv Saxena extradited to India

  In the first case, Rajeev Shamsher Bahadur Saxena was picked up by Dubai authorities in connection with the Rs 3,600 crore AgustaWestland VVIP choppers money laundering case. He is a close associate of Gautam Khetan, the main accused in the case. After the extradition of Christian Michel, it is another major success for probe agencies. Corporate aviation lobbyist Deepak Talwar, wanted by the ED and the CBI in a case of misusing over Rs 90 crore taken through the foreign funding route as part of corporate social responsibility also deported along with Rajeev Saxena from Dubai. His role in some aviation deals during the UPA government's regime is under the scanner. Talwar has been booked by the ED and the CBI in criminal cases of corruption, even as the Income Tax Department has charged him with tax evasion.       from DDNews Feeds

budget session of parliament

The interim Budget will be presented by Finance Minister Piyush Goyal.  Lok Sabha Speaker called an all-party meeting ahead of the Budget session. Rajya Sabha Chairman Venkaiah Naidu has also called a meeting of the members of the upper house. Rajya Sabha Chairman Venkaiah Naidu has also called a meeting of the members of the upper house. This is the last session of the 16th Lok Sabha which will see the presentation of the interim budget. The session will begin with the address of the President to the joint sitting of both  Houses of Parliament in Central Hall. Finance minister Piyush Goyal will present the budget. Expectations are high from the budget from the salaried class to farmers. So the session which ends on the 13th though short is crucial in terms of passage of bills. important bills on the govt's agenda include the teen talak bill, Citizenship amendment bill, and the medical council bill among others. The opposition too would be looking...

NZ wins the toss; opts to bowl against India in Hamilton

Skipper Virat Kohli is not a part of the team for the final two ODIs and the three Twenty-20 games as BCCI has decided to rest him ahead of the home series against Australia. In Kohli's absence, Rohit Sharma is captaining the Men in Blue. Rohit is also making his 200th ODI appearance. Team India has already clinched the series with victories in the first three games. A win today and a four-nil lead will be India's biggest series victory across all formats in their 52 years of touring New Zealand. from DDNews Feeds

Brazil dam burst death toll rises to 99

 Authorities said, 57 bodies have been identified so far in the rubble of the ruptured tailings dam. The dam collapsed in Brumadinho municipality in the state of Minas Gerais last week, triggering heavy mud floods that caused multiple fatalities and injuries. The number of people left homeless increased from 135 to 175, according to the state government. Most of the victims are employees of mining giant Vale, which owned the dam.  The dam held at least 13 million cubic meters of industrial waste that is estimated to have spread over an area of 125 hectares. from DDNews Feeds

PM Modi says, every single vote is powerful and inspires him to work for the Nation

The Prime Minister said, after coming to power, his government changed the mindset of people from negativity to positivity. He said, biggest contribution of NDA government is the revival of hope and confidence in every Indian citizen. Earlier in the day, Prime Minister Modi dedicated the  National Salt Satyagraha Memorial to the nation at Dandi village, situated in South Gujarat on the Arabian sea coast.   At the memorial site, he also unveiled statues of Mahatma Gandhi and 80 Satyagrahis who had marched with him during the historic Dandi Salt March in 1930.  Addressing the gathering PM said, the dedication ceremony on Bapu’s death anniversary has acquired special significance as Dandi village is to receive a big push from the government to be developed as a  place of national importance and tourist interest like Statue of Unity. PM also inaugurated Venus Hospital at Surat. Speaking on the occasion, PM Modi said, Ayushman Bharat health protection scheme...

Foreign Secy summons Pak High Commissioner

The Foreign Secretary conveyed the Government of India’s condemnation in the strongest terms...saying it an attempt by Pakistan to subvert India’s unity and to violate India's sovereignty and territorial integrity, by none other than the Pakistan Foreign Minister. from DDNews Feeds

AgustaWestland case: Rajiv Saxena, Deepak Talwar being extradited to India

He is a close associate of Gautam Khetan, the main accused in the case. After the extradition of Christian Michel it is another major success for probe agencies. Corporate lobbyist Deepak Talwar is also being brought to India along with Rajiv Saxena  by the plane of the government of India. from DDNews Feeds

India to take on New Zealand in 4th ODI in Hamilton on Thursday

The match starts at 7.30 a.m. Indian Standard Time. Virat Kohli will not be a part of the Indian team till the end of New Zealand tour as BCCI has decided to rest him ahead of the home series against Australia. Rohit Sharma, who will captain the Indian team in the absence of Kohli, will make his 200th appearance in ODIs for India on Thursday. The hosts, having already lost the series, will play for pride. The visitors may look to test their bench strength.A 3-0 lead for India in the five-match series has jolted New Zealand's World Cup preparations. A 4-0 lead will be India's biggest series win across formats in their 52 years of touring New Zealand. A decision on  Mahendra Singh Dhoni's availability, who is suffering from hamstring injury, will be taken before the toss on Thursday. from DDNews Feeds

SC once again refuses to stay amendments to SC/ST Act

The court said today that all matters including the Centre's review petition will be heard on February 19th. A bench headed by Justice UU Lalit said the issue requires hearing in detail and it will be appropriate if all matters are heard on February 19th. The bench refused to stay the amendments to the SC/ST Act after senior advocate Vikas Singh, appearing for one of the petitioners who had challenged the changes made to the Act, sought an immediate stay on it. The apex court had said on January 25th that it will consider listing the Centre's review and petitions challenging the amendments to the SC/ ST Act 2018, together before an appropriate bench. from DDNews Feeds

SC allows Karti Chidambaram to travel abroad after depositing Rs 10 Cr with its registry

The Court  asked him to cooperate with the probe saying "don't play around with the law". The apex court asked Karti to appear before the Enforcement Directorate on March 5, 6, 7 and 12 for questioning in connection with the INX Media and Aircel Maxis cases. A bench headed by Chief Justice Ranjan Gogoi also asked him to file an undertaking that he would return and cooperate with the investigation. The bench was hearing Karti's plea seeking permission to travel to France, Spain, Germany and the United Kingdom for the next few months for international tennis tournaments. Karti had sought permission to travel abroad from February 10 to 26 and again from March 23 to 31. from DDNews Feeds

Union Minister Prakash Javadekar inaugurates new campus of National Museum Institute at Noida

Speaking at the inauguration, Prakash Javadekar said that that there is a huge scope for the courses offered by the Institute like history of arts, conservation, museology among others. He said these subjects and experts in these subjects are the need of the hour to protect and conserve our rich culture and heritage. He also said that Ministry of Culture has taken very good initiatives for the preservation and systematic functioning of museums. He also proposed that Ministry of Culture should consider setting up a national museum of educational history so that the future generations could understand the evolution of education. Thanking HRD Minister, Minister of State (I/c) for Culture , Dr.Mahesh Sharma congratulated the efforts of the team for making it possible to complete the campus in a timely manner and also said that Noida would carry the pride of having country's first Museum Institute. Delivering welcome address, Dr. B.R. Mani, DG, National Museum said National Museum ...

2008 Assam serial blasts case: NDFB Chief Ranjan Daimary, 9 others sentenced for life

3 other accused were sentenced to 5 years of imprisonment. The court imposed fine on another accused.Those who were given life imprisonment include - George Bodo, Ajay Basumatary, Lokra Basumatary, Raju Sarkar among others. Those who were given 5 years of jail with fine are Jayanti, Prabhat Bodo and Mathuram Brahma. These 3 have already completed their jail tenure and are to be acquitted with a fine. from DDNews Feeds

UK Parliament approves Brexit amendment on replacing Irish backstop

The amendment, put forward by influential Conservative lawmaker Graham Brady, passed by 317 votes to 301. It is intended to strengthen May's hand when she returns to Brussels to try to renegotiate — something the EU again ruled out within minutes of the vote. With two months left until Britain is due by law to leave the EU, investors and allies have urged the British government to clinch a deal to allow an orderly exit from the club it joined in 1973. "Tonight, a majority of honourable members have said they would support a deal with changes to the backstop," May said, only two weeks after her divorce deal was crushed in the biggest parliamentary defeat in modern British history."It is now clear that there is a route that can secure a substantial and sustainable majority in the house for leaving the EU with a deal," May said, She added that she would seek "legally binding changes."The amendment calls for the backstop to be replaced with unspecified...

Nepal: Rich tribute paid to Mahatma Gandhi on his 71st death anniversary

A talk on "Mahatma Gandhi: Peace, Non Violence and Humanity" was organised by the Embassy of India and Dilli Raman Kalyani Regmi Memorial Library Development Board in Kathmandu on Wednesday. The speakers highlighted the importance of Gandhian principles of peace, non violence, inclusive society and environment protection in today's world. Chief Guest and Chancellor of Nepal Academy, Dr. Ganga Prasad Upreti said Gandhiji was born in India but he was a globally recognized personality. Upreti said Mahatma Gandhi's commitment towards truth, non violence and humanity is very important in human history to establish permanent peace in the world. In his address Indian Ambassador to Nepal, Manjeev Singh Puri said Gandhiji was far ahead from his time. Ambassador Puri said that relevance of Gandhiji then and now for India, Nepal and other countries of the world is same. Ambassador Puri and Mr. Upretti also released a bilingual version of a book on Gandhiji written by Nepal...

PM Modi dedicate Salt Satyagraha Memorial to the nation at Dandi

Mahatma Gandhi began the march from Ahmedabad to Dandi near Surat on March 12th 1930 against the ban on Indians producing or selling salt. The memorial has statues of Mahatma Gandhi and 80 Satyagrahis who had marched with him during the historic Dandi Salt March. The cost of Memorial is Rs. 110 Crores. The Prime Minister walked through the memorial showing keen interest in the displays. He paid floral tributes to Bapu.The National Salt Satyagraha Memorial is powered by as many as 41 tree shaped solar panels which generate 144 KV of electricity. The monument at the memorial is 40 metres high with a steel frame. It has a glass cube on the top, symbolising hands holding a salt crystal. Prime Minister also tried his hands at making salt. These urn like structures are solar powered salt pans. When water is poured in, it evaporates leaving behind salt in the pan below. The memorial also has 24-narrative murals depicting various events and stories from the historic 1930 Salt March. Spe...

PM Modi lays foundation stone for extension of terminal building at Surat airport

In his second vist to Gujarat within a month, the Prime Minister laid the foundation stone for expansion of the terminal building at Surat airport. With an area of over 25500 sq.m, the terminal building will be built at a cost of.354 crore rupees. It will increase the airport's handling capacity from 4 lakh flyers each year to 26 lakhs.On the occasion, PM Modi  said that his government is making far reaching efforts to connect the country through the air route. He added that the biggest strength behind the government's big decisions and ambitious schemes is the people's mandate which delivered a full majority to the government. He said the previous govt would've taken 25 more years to do the amount of work his govt has done in the last 4 years. Surat Airport's new terminal will be eco-friendly and sustainable using solar energy and LEDs. The PM also inaugurated several projects connected to Surat Smart City on the occasion. The Surat Municipal Corporation spe...

Nation pays homage to Mahatma Gandhi on his death anniversary

The day is also observed as Martyrs' Day. He was assassinated on this day in 1948. President Ram Nath Kovind, Vice-President M Venkaiah Naidu and Prime Minister Narendra Modi paid tributes to Mahatma Gandhi at Rajghat in New Delhi. Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, Housing and Urban Affairs Minister Hardeep Singh Puri, Congress President Rahul Gandhi and leaders from different political parties also paid tributes. In his message, Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu said, he was an embodiment of eternal values of truth and non-violence and his life is an eloquent expression of true humanism. He said Gandhiji is an inspiration to all mankind. His deep sense of compassion, inclusiveness and transforming noble thoughts into tangible actions with unshaken perseverance had inspired many generations of world leaders. Vice President said Mahatma Gandhi’s vision and thoughts have eternal relevance to mankind in search of solutions to global challenges. An inter-religious prayer was or...

India eves win second ODI and clinch series vs New Zealand

Smriti Mandhan continued her red-hot form in limited-overs cricket as she single-handedly powered India Women's Cricket team to a scintillating eight-wicket victory against New Zealand in the second ODI in Oval.  Mandhana played an unbeaten match-winning knock of 90* to extend her impressive run for women in blue. She was well supported by captain Mithali Raj, who scored 63* and knitted an unbeaten 136-run stand for the third wicket to give India a comfortable win. It was a massive win and most importantly, under new coach W.V. Raman, the Indian eves have come out all guns blazing to take an unassailable 2-0 lead in the three-match series.       from DDNews Feeds

UK MPs reject 'no-deal' Brexit, back PM May's bid to reopen deal

Conservative Party MP Caroline Spelman and Labour MP Jack Dromey had tabled an amendment to try to prevent a crash-out exit of the UK from the EU, which won the support of MPs by eight votes, undermining the government's argument that Britain would be willing to crash out of the EU without an agreement.  However, the vote is not legally binding - meaning it showed the view of the House of Commons but does nothing to change the Brexit date of March 29. Soon after, MPs also voted in favour of an amendment backed by the government to seek "alternative arrangements" to the controversial Irish backstop, which seeks to avert a hard border between Britain and Ireland after Brexit. May had said she was backing the amendment to re-open negotiations in Brussels with an "emphatic message" of what British MPs want. from DDNews Feeds

Nation observes Martyrs' Day

President Ram Nath Kovind, has tweeted, On Martyrs' Day. He said we gratefully remember Mahatma Gandhi and the countless freedom fighters who sacrificed their all for our Independence.  Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate the National Salt Satyagraha Memorial in Gujarat's Dandi on Martyr's Day. "On Bapu's Punya Tithi, I will be in Dandi, the place from where Bapu challenged the might of colonialism. In Dandi, the National Salt Satyagraha Memorial will be dedicated to the nation. This is a tribute to Satyagrahis led by Gandhi Ji, who worked for India's freedom," tweeted PM Modi. from DDNews Feeds

ICC announces T20 world cup 2020 fixtures

The women's T20 World Cup will take place from February 21 to March 8, culminating with the final on International Women's Day. The men's event will take place later in the year from October 18 to November 15.  Both tournaments will be held across Australia in eight host cities and 13 venues.         from DDNews Feeds

White House warns against harm to Venezuela's Juan Guaido

Washington has recognised Guaido as the South American country's acting president and said that strongman President Nicolas Maduro should leave the power. Bolton's warning comes after a request was made by the Maduro government's attorney general for the Supreme Court to bar Guaido from leaving the country and to freeze his assets. Earlier, United States decided to hand over the control of Venezuela's US bank accounts to Guaido, barring Maduro from accessing the funds. from DDNews Feeds

Amit Shah addresses rally in Midnapur, West Bengal

From Odisha, BJP president Amit Shah went to Midnapore in West Bengal where he addressed a rally. There he said a government run by a dynasty could not serve the people. He also slammed the Mamata Banerjee-led Trinamool Congress government in West Bengal and said the upcoming Lok Sabha polls would be about restoring democracy in the state Shah, who in July 2017 started the Mo Booth Sabuthu Mazboot (My booth is the strongest) programme to expand the party’s footprints at the grassroots, held closed door meetings with workers in Salepur area of Cuttack. Shah’s meeting will cover four Lok Sabha segments — Cuttack, Jajpur, Jagatsinghpur and Kendrapara. These four Lok Sabha seats have 28 assembly segments, said party spokesman Pitamber Acharya. He later addressed a public meeting at Contai in West Bengal’s East Midnapore district.   from DDNews Feeds

U.P. Cabinet meet in Prayagraj

UP Chief Minister extended his government's gratitude to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union government for extending great cooperation in organising Divya and Bhavya Kumbh at Prayagraj. After the meeting, he and other ministers are likely to take a dip in the holy waters of Sangam. He said undisrupted flow with clean water of river Ganga is results of attempts and inspirations of Prime Minister Modi. The cabinet also decided to expedite the land acquisition process for the 296-km Bundelkhand expressway and sanctioned Rs 8864 crore for the project to acquire 3641 hectares of land. The Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister also worshipped at Hanuman Temple at Sangam and visited Akshya Vat. Most of the UP Cabinet Ministers including both Dy Chief Ministers Keshav Prasad Maurya and Dr Dinesh Sharma attended the meeting. Yogi Adityanath along with his council of ministers will visit "Akshayvat" and "Saraswati Koop".        from DDNews Feeds

अमेरिका में निशाने पर हिन्दू मंदिर, पोती गई कालिख

<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>वाशिंगटन:</strong> अमेरिका के केंटुकी राज्य में घृणा अपराध के तहत एक हिन्दू मंदिर में तोड़फोड़ की गई. यहां भगवान की मूर्ति पर काला पेंट छिड़क दिया गया और मुख्य सभा में रखी कुर्सी पर चाकू गोदा गया है. लुइसविले शहर में स्थित स्वामीनारायण मंदिर में रविवार की from world-news

तस्वीरें: ठंड की मार से जमा अमेरिका, -30 डिग्री तापमान से हुआ अलास्का-अंटार्कटिका से बुरा हाल

from world-news

Samsung NU8000 Owners Thread

Hi guys looking to pick one of these up looks fantastic for gaming on. Pairing with a Xbox One X it supports every function low input lag lactency, freesync, 120hz. 4K HDR. From what I have read on the gaming front its one of the best tv's to buy in 2018. Has anyone got one that can give some feedback? Thanks from AVForums

Panerai 111H Luminor Marina

Am selling two watches I do not wear. Panerai 111H . Stunning watch in very good condition. Worn in rotation with other watches so far from a daily beater. Has the Sandwich dial and display back. Comes with Panerai Calf and Rubber as well as a number of third party straps. Black Crocodile , Dark brown and a large one. Has Box , papers etc . £3100 A 1960s Chronostop. Comes with a modern strap. No box or papers. I have a new unused Crystal I will supply with this watch too. Will upload... Panerai 111H Luminor Marina from AVForums

Xbox one Media remote

selling my used but working in good condition media remote this is the official Xbox one remote unboxed, I can’t see it to buy anywhere now for a price comparison except amazon at £40 which seems a lot. Price and currency: £10 Delivery: Delivery cost is included within my country Payment method: PayPal or bank transfer Location: Orpington Advertised elsewhere?: Not advertised elsewhere Prefer goods collected?: I have no preference... Xbox one Media remote from AVForums

,Halloween,The House with a Clock in Walls,Alpha,Big Little Lies,Jessica Jones

Jessica Jones season 1 uk,slip £10 Big Little Lies season 1 ,slip uk £10 The House with a Clock in the Walls usa,slip,dvd, £13now £12 Alpha uk £11now £10 SOLD Halloween 2018 disc only £6.50 Price and currency: £ Delivery: Delivery cost is included within my country Payment method: PPG/BT Location: staffs Advertised elsewhere?: Advertised elsewhere Prefer goods collected?: I have no preference... ,Halloween,The House with a Clock in Walls,Alpha,Big Little Lies,Jessica Jones from AVForums

Samsung NU7400 PS4 HDR issue

Hi guys, if you're a fellow NU7400 / PS4 owner, I'd greatly appreciate your insights / assistance with the issue detailed below! I recently purchased a UE50NU7400 Samsung TV, which works great for SDR content. However HDR content on the PS4 Pro isn't working properly. Specifically, whites look greyish and the image is generally washed out. It's also hard to read text in certain games (see below) I've been proactively searching the web (The NU7400 isn't a well-documented TV at this point,... Samsung NU7400 PS4 HDR issue from AVForums

Amazon Fire sale boxes and sticks

View attachment 1113946 View attachment 1113947 View attachment 1113948 having a clear out and having moved to Apple TV 4K for both rooms I no longer need these. I have: Boxed complete as new used once: Fire TV Stick with Alexa £20 Fire TV Pendant design 4K with Alexa £30 I have also discovered a 1st gen 4K fire tv box this is unboxed with remote and power and happy to include a hdmi Fire TV 4K box with Ethernet port on the back £15 I do also have a fire tv stick with power... Amazon Fire sale boxes and sticks from AVForums

Nvidia Shield TV

Bought Nvidia Shield TV ages ago with the intention of upgrading my KODI set up at home but haven’t. The Fire TV I have is sufficient. I broke the seal to check it out but has not been used/plugged in. Includes controller and remote. Would also swap for new Airpods Price and currency: £150 Delivery: Delivery cost is included within my country Payment method: BT PPG Location: London Advertised elsewhere?: Not advertised elsewhere Prefer goods... Nvidia Shield TV from AVForums

God of War (PS4) (20th April 2018)

That GOW4 is in production is a worst kept secret after Cory's inadvertent leak a while back. It has also been closely tied to the PS4K leaks/rumours. Yesterday it appears that a couple of "insiders" have been talking up a Norse mythology setting for the game and concept art "confirming" this has leaked at nerdleaks. GoW4 Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet A big thumbs up for this if true. from AVForums

How much money ex-CEO Chanda Kochhar will have to return to ICICI?

The move follows a report by former Supreme Court judge, B N Srikrishna, which found Kochhar guilty of violating the bank’s code of conduct in disbursing loans to Videocon group. Kochhar had gone on “leave” on June 18 last year pending completion of the enquiry. from Times of India

Live: Cong wins Ramgarh, BJP leads in Jind

Congress candidate Shafia Khan wins Rajasthan's Ramgarh bypoll by a margin over 12, 228 votes, while BJP candidate Krishan Middha is leading in Haryana's Jind. Stay with TOI for all the live updates: from Times of India

Three taxes on income no one should have to pay

from Times of India

New Zealand demolish India for consolation win

India seemed shorn of their aura in the absence of talismanic skipper Virat Kohli as New Zealand pulled off a stunning eight-wicket win in the fourth cricket one-dayer to halt the visiting side's domination on Thursday. from Times of India

600 Indian students held in US for illegal stay

The Department of Homeland Security said it set up a fake university as part of an undercover operation to identify recruiters and entities engaged in immigration fraud. Eight student recruiters were charged with participating in a conspiracy to help at least 600 foreign citizens stay in the US illegally, according to the indictments. from Times of India

The Criterion Channel launches in April, plus The Favourite, Man on a Ledge 4K, new Blu-ray reviews & more

The big news today is that our friends at The Criterion Collection have officially announced the launch date for their forthcoming streaming service, The Criterion Channel. Look for it to debut on 4/8. And those who signed up to be Charter Subscribers can create their accounts today and start watching a new Movie of the Week series until the launch. Not a day after we hinted at it in our daily column, Lionsgate has officially set Man on a Ledge for release on 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray on 4/9. Look for it to include both Dolby Vision HDR and Dolby Atmos audio. 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment has announced the Blu-ray and DVD release of Yorgos Lanthimos’ The Favourite on 3/5, with the Digital release expected on 2/12. Extras will include deleted scenes and The Favourite: Unstitching the Costume Drama featurette. Fox will also release the Melissa McCarthy drama Can You Ever Forgive Me? on DVD only on 2/19 with Digital due on 2/5. [Read on here...] Here at The Bits today, we...

सूर्य के सबसे करीब से गुजरेगा नासा का यह अंतरिक्ष यान, लगाएगा 24 चक्कर

<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>वाशिंगटन:</strong> लॉन्च के मात्र 161 दिनों बाद अमेरिकी अंतरिक्ष एजेंसी नासा के अंतरिक्ष यान पार्कर सोलर प्रोब ने सूर्य के कक्ष में अपनी यात्रा का पहला चक्कर पूरा कर लिया है और अब यह प्रस्तावित 24 कक्षाओं की अपनी यात्रा का दूसरा चक्कर लगाना शुरू करेगा. इसी from world-news

भारतीय को नौकरी से हटाने वाली बड़ी कंपनी के शेयर पर गिरी गाज, हुए धड़ाम

<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>सैन फ्रांसिस्को:</strong> इलेक्ट्रिक कार बनाने वाली दिग्गज कंपनी टेस्ला ने साल 2018 की चौथी तिमाही का मुनाफा घोषित किया है. इस बार कंपनी को 13.9 करोड़ डॉलर का लाभ हुआ है. कंपनी के संस्थापक और सीईओ एलन मस्क ने इस दौरान यह कहकर धमाका कर दिया कि कंपनी के भारतीय from world-news

इस्राइली सेना के लिए चीज़ें बनानी वाली कंपनी का नया बिज़नेस, अमेरिकी बच्चों को बेचेगी बुलेट प्रूफ बैग

अमेरिका में स्कूल शूटिंग कितनी गंभीर समस्या है इसका अंदाज़ा आप इस ताज़ा ख़बर से लगा सकते हैं. दुनिया के सबसे शक्तिशाली देश में गन वायलेंस ने इतना विकराल रूप ले लिया है कि एक इस्राइली कंपनी को इसमें व्यापार तक के अवसर नज़र आ गए. ये कंपनी जल्द from world-news

एक राष्ट्रपति का आरोप- ट्रंप ने दिया मेरे हत्या का आदेश

<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>काराकास:</strong> वेनेजुएला के राष्ट्रपति निकोलस मादुरो ने अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति डोनाल्ड ट्रंप पर बेहद गंभीर आरोप लगाए हैं. इस आरोप में मादुरो ने कहा है कि ट्रंप ने उनकी हत्या के आदेश दिए हैं. मादुरो ने कहा कि ट्रंप ने ये आदेश वेनेजुएला के पड़ोसी देश कोलंबिया की सरकार from world-news

अब बच्चों के मानावधिकार पर लटकी चीन की तलवार, तिब्बतियों पर लगा एक और बैन

<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>बीजिंग: </strong>मानवाधिकारों के मामले में चीन का रिकॉर्ड बेहद शर्मासार करने वाला है. अपने हालिया कदम से ड्रैगन इसे बिल्कुल निचले स्तर पर लेकर चला गया है. यहां के मठों में तिब्बती बच्चों के शामिल होने पर बैन लगा दिया गया है. इस फैसले के बाद चीन के किंघाई प्रांत के मठों की ख़ास क्लासों में तिब्बती बच्चे from world-news

भारी प्रदूषण की वजह ठहरा एक एशियाई शहर, इस हफ्ते के लिए स्कूलों को किया गया बंद

<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>बैंकॉक:</strong> दुनिया के सबसे प्रदूषित शहर दिल्ली में स्मॉग ऐसी समस्या बनता जा रहा है जिससे ज़िंदगी पर लगाम लगती नज़र आ रही है. इसके लिए दिल्ली सरकार को ऑड-इवन जैसी स्कीम तक लागू करनी पड़ी. वहीं, कई बार तो आलम ऐसा हो गया कि हेलिकॉप्टर से पानी गिराए from world-news

पाकिस्तानी विदेश मंत्री की हुर्रियत नेता से बात पर भड़का भारत, पाक उच्चायुक्त को तलब किया

<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>नई दिल्ली:</strong> पाकिस्तानी विदेश मंत्री शाह महमूद कुरैशी की हुर्रियत कांफ्रेंस के नेता मीरवाइज उमर फारूक से टेलीफोन पर बातचीत हुई है. इस संबंध में विदेश सचिव विजय गोखले ने बुधवार को पाकिस्तान के उच्चायुक्त सोहेल महमूद को तलब किया. गोखले ने सोहेल से स्पष्ट रूप से from world-news

पिछले साल हुए विमान हादसे से जुड़ा बड़ा खुलासा- सिगरेट बनी 51 मौतों की वजह

<p style="text-align: justify;">यूएस-बांग्ला एयरलाइन के विमान का पिछले साल मार्च में जो क्रैश हुआ था उससे जुड़ी बेहद बड़ी ख़बर सामने आई है. इसमें बताया गया है कि प्लेन इसलिए क्रैश हुआ क्योंकि पायलट कॉकपिट यानी जहां से बैठकर वो विमान को उड़ाता है वहां सिगरेट पी रहा था. कॉकपिट from world-news

ये कोई सफेद कार्पेट नहीं है- ऑस्ट्रेलिया की डार्लिंग नदीं में लाख़ों मछलियों की मौत, लेकिन कैसे?

अमेरिका में स्कूल शूटिंग कितनी गंभीर समस्या है इसका अंदाज़ा आप इस ताज़ा ख़बर से लगा सकते हैं. दुनिया के सबसे शक्तिशाली देश में गन वायलेंस ने इतना विकराल रूप ले लिया है कि एक इस्राइली कंपनी को इसमें व्यापार तक के अवसर नज़र आ गए. ये कंपनी जल्द from world-news

Q Mini box wired connection to main

Just reading up on Sky Q ahead an install due Sunday for the main box and a mini box. My query is that the main box will sit in the front room but Wi-Fi distribution is poor in the bedroom where the mini box will be going. I have a hard wired ethernet cable already going to the bedroom so firstly will I be able to connect the 2 boxes via this and secondly i've read that the mini box acts as a Wi-Fi booster in its own right. If the hard wired connection works between boxes does this mean... Q Mini box wired connection to main from AVForums

2017 MacBook Pro 13" Space Grey (non touchbar) i5 256GB 8GB - 5 weeks old - 3 cycle count £1025

I've decided to sell a basically new 2017 MacBook Pro bought 2 weeks ago. It was bought, unwrapped, turned on, OS updated from High Sierra to Mojave and then hasn't been used since. The battery cycle count is 1. The Apple warranty is until 9th December 2019. I am away with family for Christmas until 1st Jan, so the MacBook would be posted then. For that same reason, if anybody wants to see photographs, they would not be uploaded into the 1st too. 2.3GHz i5 256GB SSD 8GB RAM 13'' 2560 x... 2017 MacBook Pro 13" Space Grey (non touchbar) i5 256GB 8GB - 5 weeks old - 3 cycle count £1025 from AVForums

Arcam FMJ AV9 Preamp Processor

Hi, I'm new here. I've just sold my Arcam FMJ P7 to a great guy who is on these forums. So I now have my Arcam FMJ AV9 pre-amp to sell. This has been a great processor for me, and I can honestly be thankful to it for revealing subtle elements on recordings that no other pre-amp has given me. But it's time for me to move on -- possibly to a valve setup for a change, I haven't quite decided yet, and i'm open to suggestions. I've had the unit from new, and it comes with the remote, but I... Arcam FMJ AV9 Preamp Processor from AVForums

Rogue Aces

Anyone played this? Looks like my type of game and is under £4 on the eshop at the mo. Review: Rogue Aces (Switch eShop) Rogue Aces from AVForums

M-ITX Desktop Computer - Intel Atom - 2GB DDR3 Ram - 500GB Hard Drive - Windows 7 Pro

I have a Mini-ITX build for sale. The motherboard and case are new, never used before and the ram was taken from another machine, the hard drive has been used before but is in full working order. Running Windows 7 Professional already activated with a key. It does have a slot for a slimline DVD drive. Specs Mini-ITX case Jetway Mini-ITX NC9KDL-2550 Motherboard 2GB DDR3 Ram Seagate 500GB Hard Drive Intel Atom 1.86Ghz CPU PS/2 Mouse PS/2 Keyboard HDMI VGA USB 2.0 2 X Ethernet SPDIF Power... M-ITX Desktop Computer - Intel Atom - 2GB DDR3 Ram - 500GB Hard Drive - Windows 7 Pro from AVForums

Smart Home items, Echo Dots, 10 inch Tablet + more

All items are in full working order, the tablet still has the original screen protector on. Hive motion sensor boxed - £20 Hive door sensor boxed - £20 Sold elsewhere Hue hub 2.1- £25 Osram smart e14 bulb - £10 Sold elsewhere Echo 2nd gen unboxed- £20 Energenie smart plug x 3 - £18 Echo dot 2nd gen boxed - £24 Alba 10 inch tablet boxed model m16qf2h - £70 3 x switchbots black, work with Alexa, Google home and ifttt - £20 each, will just need some sticky pads, both are... Smart Home items, Echo Dots, 10 inch Tablet + more from AVForums

PREDATOR Trilogy 4k - £19.99

Predator Trilogy [2018] (4K Blu-ray) Entertainment Store on eBay £19.99 - hotukdeals from AVForums

Philips Hue Lightstrip Pluses 3 x 2m + 4 x 1m extensions All boxed

I have......these are all Lightstrip plus units 3 x 2m Boxed units unused and still sealed £55 each 4 x 1m extensions Boxed units and still sealed £15 each 1 x 2m Unboxed but unused unit £50 ordered subject to payment 2 x 1m extensions unboxed but unused £13 each ordered subject to payment I would prefer to meet in person to do this, can deliver reasonable distance from Canary Wharf. Will only accept offers if you're taking multiples to make up a bundle else prices are... Philips Hue Lightstrip Pluses 3 x 2m + 4 x 1m extensions All boxed from AVForums

Can anyone help with HDMI cabling decision

A friend of mine is looking to run 5m of HDMI cabling through a wall and needs to purchase leads that will be relatively "future proof" on a budget. What I'm trying to do is ascertain what brans offer legit 18gbps bandwidth and which ones are doing the old HDMI "super speed" snake oil shenanigans. Would I be right in assuming that... Can anyone help with HDMI cabling decision from AVForums

Prince of Darkness 4K Steelbook (Sealed)

I have a mint condition and still sealed copy of John Carpenter's Prince of Darkness for sale on 4K Ultra HD steelbook. View attachment 1113671 View attachment 1113672 Price and currency: £40 Delivery: Delivery cost is included within my country Payment method: Cash, Bank Transfer or PayPal Location: Bath, UK Advertised elsewhere?: Not advertised elsewhere Prefer goods collected?: I have no preference... Prince of Darkness 4K Steelbook (Sealed) from AVForums

Regatta Mens Jacket Isotex 5000 Waterproof & Breathable RRP £80

Regatta Isotex 5000 Waterproof & Breathable RRP £80 Men’s jacket Size Medium (Probably nearer a Large size) Grey Brand new with tags £13 including delivery Price and currency: £ Delivery: Delivery cost is included within my country Payment method: PPG or BT Location: Frizington, Cumbria Advertised elsewhere?: Advertised elsewhere Prefer goods collected?: I have no preference... Regatta Mens Jacket Isotex 5000 Waterproof & Breathable RRP £80 from AVForums

Philips 803 (65OLED803) Review & Comments

Philips 803 is their entry-level OLED 4K TV and the new model boasts a 2nd Gen P5+ processor, HDR10+ support, three-sided Ambilight and the Android Smart TV platform. Read the review. Write your own review for Philips 65OLED803 from AVForums

Sound bars with 2x hdmi inputs

Looking for a sound bar with 2 hdmi inputs and 1 output, so I can connect a v6 box and a Xbox one s to it, but can’t seem to find any. I’m getting a new Samsung tv with Dolby Digital plus, and hdmi arc, so want to make the most of both of them. Heard about hdmi switches but will that work if I put it in the soundbar? from AVForums

SAMSUNG UBD-M9000 4K UHD Player *NEW* + Last Jedi 4K disc

I have a brand new , still in box SAMSUNG UBD-M9000 4K UHD Blu-ray Player With Sealed 4K disc of 'Star Wars: The Last Jedi'. View attachment 1113277 View attachment 1113282 View attachment 1113278 View attachment 1113284 View attachment 1113279 View attachment 1113283 The box has been opened to check all the components are present before selling it on, and they are. Player. Remote Control. Mains Cable. Instruction Manual. Star Wars disc.... SAMSUNG UBD-M9000 4K UHD Player *NEW* + Last Jedi 4K disc from AVForums

Luka Chuppi: रणवीर सिंह की तरह थियेटर जाकर दर्शकों का रिएक्शन देखना चाहती हैं कृति सेनन

<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>मुंबई:</strong> अपनी आगामी फिल्म 'लुका छिपी' की रिलीज के लिए उत्साहित अभिनेत्री कृति सेनन का कहना है कि उन्हें खुशी है कि दर्शक फिल्म के विषय से जुड़ रहे हैं. कृति ने कहा, "जब भी मेरी फिल्म रिलीज होती है तो मैं नर्वस होती हूं. लेकिन इस बार from bollywood

Improved PQ on Sky Q?

So I watched a documentary today entitled The Snow Wolf: A Winter’s Tale (which was outstanding btw) and I noticed that the picture quality (on my OLED) was amazing. Initilaly I thought it was in UHD but realised it was actually just plain old HD. However, the picture looked much sharper than a usual HD feed, almost akin to upscale 4K. I figured maybe it was just this particular programme with it being relatively new. However, I just watched Venom and part of Thor Ragnarok on my 1080p... Improved PQ on Sky Q? from AVForums

Canon EF 70-200 f4 L USM - price drop

For sale my Canon EF 70-200 f4 USM lens. It has been sitting unused in padded flight case together with my other photo gear for a good while. It is in a very good condition. There are scratches on the lens hood, but the lens itself is in great condition. I'm sad to see it go as it is such a great lens, but since I bought 70-200 2.8 IS II this is just sitting unused. So I'm looking for a good home for it. It will be packed very well and send by RM Special Delivery (included in the price).... Canon EF 70-200 f4 L USM - price drop from AVForums

DOCTOR WHO: The 13th Doctor (BBC One 2018) Series 11

Series 11 rumored as 10 x 60mins episodes with revamped Tardis, etc View attachment 921897 Changes to the new Doctor Who series starring Jodie Whittaker revealed from AVForums

Premier League 18/19

Fixtures announced on June 14th - 9am from AVForums

Starting to get Cold

So how many of you have had your heating on yet. Quite a few people I know already have. I was tempted this morning but £$£$£$ kept going round my mind from AVForums

Samsung HW-MS650 Soundbar Review & Comments

The soundbar solution is becoming more popular as a way to get improved TV sound without the wires and speakers of a more traditional approach. But in a crowded market what can the Samsung HW-MS650 offer that will make it stand out from the rest? Read the review. Write your own review for Samsung HW-MS650 from AVForums

ATI's New ATP16 Preamp-processor

Here's something interesting i came across to wet the appetite. It seems ATI will be releasing a 16 channel preamp-processor with onboard Dirac EQ. Details are a bit thin on the ground at the moment but with ATI's recent acquisition of DataSat, you can bet your bottom dollar there'll have been some serious engineering minds gone into the making of this, so it's certainly worthy of further investigation as details emerge and definitely a demo to hear it's performance. Having recently demoed... ATI's New ATP16 Preamp-processor from AVForums

JVC DLA X5900/X7900/X9900 owners thread

Just got this x5900 View attachment 932639 Have mounted it, briefly set it up and that’s it so far. Got a picture from SkyQ, nVidia Shield TV, can get one from Panasonic UB900, but only if I turn the wick down on 4k to 4:2:0, is that normal with previous ones? from AVForums

Marantz CD6004 - Black

I have a perfect and hardly used CD6004. Bought around 6 years ago from Richer Sounds but in absolutely immaculate condition. Don't have the box so cant post I'm afraid. Remote has hardly been used. Original power lead included. Price and currency: 150 Delivery: Goods must be exchanged in person Payment method: Bank Tfr, Cash on Collection Location: Rugby, Warwickshire Advertised elsewhere?: Not advertised elsewhere Prefer goods collected?: I... Marantz CD6004 - Black from AVForums

Daily Mail WEBSITE Runs Afoul of NewsGuard Fake News Addon

Don’t trust Daily Mail website, Microsoft browser warns users from AVForums

Onkyo TX-RZ730 any opinions.

Onkyo TX-RZ730 Can't find this amp on the forum or seen any reviews for it. I've just purchased one its 9.2, im using a separate amp on the back channels which ends up giving a full 7.2.4 set up. I'm impressed, set up was quite simple, sound quality is a marked improvement over my onkyo tx nr 646. I'll be intrested in what the professionals think. Ild love to hear other people's opinions, or any questions please ask. from AVForums

HMV now in administration

i know a few people on here use the hmv pure points just seen on Sky news they on the verge of Administration so if you got the points on your card best use them soon from AVForums

Sony str da5400es

Hi all up for sale is my very rare Sony da5400es in good condition its a lovely reciever sounds fantastic read the reviews it beat pioneer yamaha and rotel at the time of release. Price and currency: 150 Delivery: Goods must be exchanged in person Payment method: Cash Location: Cambridge Advertised elsewhere?: Not advertised elsewhere Prefer goods collected?: I prefer the goods to be collected... Sony str da5400es from AVForums

Corsair K70 LUX RGB Mechanical Gaming Keyboard Cherry MX Brown & ROCCAT Kone EMP RGB Mouse

Corsair K70 LUX RGB Mechanical Gaming Keyboard Cherry MX Brown Boxed in great condition £90 View attachment 1113439 ROCCAT Kone EMP RGB Mouse Boxed in great condition £40 View attachment 1113440 Price and currency: See Description Delivery: Delivery cost is not included Payment method: Bank Transfer Location: Belfast, UK Advertised elsewhere?: Advertised elsewhere Prefer goods collected?: I have no preference... Corsair K70 LUX RGB Mechanical Gaming Keyboard Cherry MX Brown & ROCCAT Kone EMP RGB Mouse from AVForums

Xbox One Wireless Controller (Blue) & 25 Games (Some still sealed)

Both comes boxed in as new condition. Winter Forces Special Edition - £35 Blue - £30 View attachment 1113442 Games - All mint condition and some still sealed; Borderlands The Handsome Collection - £10 Bulletstorm Full Clip Edition - £12 Call Of Duty Blacks Ops 4 - £20 Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare - £5 Call Of Duty Ghosts - £5 Crash Bandicoot N Sane Trilogy - £25 Dead Rising 3 - £6 Dishonored Definitive Edition - £8 Dishonored Death Of The Outsider - £5 Dishonored 2 - £5 Dragon Age... Xbox One Wireless Controller (Blue) & 25 Games (Some still sealed) from AVForums

2 Gshock watches

2 Gshock watches for sale as new not worn. Firstly a Casio Gshock GA 100L 2ACR which I’m not sure you can get in this country. Purchased in Antigua on 20th December 2018, got home and found I had a smart watch for Christmas so surplus to needs and not worn or registered for warranty. Receipts etc enclosed. Looking to get £70. Second is a mint baby G BGD-140-7AER this has everything except a receipt but again not registered so not sure where you would stand should warranty be required.... 2 Gshock watches from AVForums

UK/US iTunes Movie & TV Bargains

Is there a site selling U.K. iTunes codes? It’s not always clear on eBay if a code is iTunes compatible from AVForums

LG E6 OLED Owners and Discussion Thread Part 6

Site Review: LG E6 (OLED65E6V) UHD 4K TV Review This is a continuation of the LG E6 OLED Owners and Discussion Thread Part 5 which can be found here:... LG E6 OLED Owners and Discussion Thread Part 6 from AVForums

Box Office: 'मणिकर्णिका' ने जीता दर्शकों का दिल, फिल्म ने 5 दिनों में की धमाकेदार कमाई, यहां है Daywise कलेक्शन

<p style="text-align: justify;"><b>Manikarnika Box Office Collection: </b>कंगना रनौत की फिल्म ‘मणिकर्णिका: द क्वीन ऑफ झांसी’ बॉक्स ऑफिस पर लगातार अच्छी कमाई कर रही है. विवादों में रहने के बावजूद फिल्म को दर्शक पसंद कर रहे हैं. झांसी की रानी की ये कहानी लोगों को इतनी भा रही है कि बॉक्स from bollywood

PHOTOS: बॉलीवुड में डेब्यू करेंगी रवि किशन की बेटी रीवा, देखिए उनकी खूबसूरत तस्वीरें

आमतौर पर क्रिकेटर्स की वाइफ उनके नाम से जानी जाती है लेकिन आज हम आपको जिस वाइफ से मिलवाने जा रहे हैं वो अपने पति से भी ज्यादा फेमस है. चलिए जानते हैं कौन है ये क्रिकेट और उनकी वाइफ. सभी फोटोः इंस्टाग्राम from bollywood

Exclusive: राहत फतेह अली खान पर भारत में विदेशी मुद्रा की स्मगलिंग का आरोप, ईडी ने भेजा नोटिस

<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>नई दिल्ली:</strong> भारत, पाकिस्तान से लेकर देश-दुनिया में अपनी आवाज की जादू से लोगों के दिलों पर राज करने वाले पाकिस्तान के मशहूर सूफी गायक राहत फतेह अली खान पर बड़ा आरोप लगा है. राहत फतेह अली खान पर विदेशी मुद्रा की स्मगलिंग का आरोप लगा है. उनपर from bollywood

रणबीर और रणवीर से तुलना होने पर राजकुमार राव ने दिया ऐसा जवाब

<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>मुंबई:</strong> अभिनेता राजकुमार राव का कहना है कि वह बहुत ही अभिभूत महसूस करते हैं कि जब लोग उनकी तुलना रणबीर कपूर और रणवीर सिंह से करते हैं, लेकिन अभिनेता का कहना है कि वह कभी भी कला के किसी भी रूप, खासकर अभिनय में प्रतिस्पर्धा पर ध्यान from bollywood

नेटफ्लिक्स पर 22 मार्च को रिलीज होगी निर्भया गैंगरेप पर बनी सीरिज 'क्राइम दिल्ली'

<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>मुंबई:</strong> अवार्ड विजेता भारतीय मूल की कनाडाई रिची मेहता की सात एपिसोड वाली सीरीज 'दिल्ली क्राइम' नेटफ्लिक्स पर रिलीज होगी. इसे वर्ल्डवाइड 22 मार्च 2019 को नेटफ्लिक्स पर रिलीज किया जाएगा.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">ये सीरीज 2012 में दिल्ली में हुए निर्भया गैंगरेप और दिल्ली पुलिस द्वारा इस मामले from bollywood

फिल्म \'एक लड़की को देखा तो ऐसा लगा\' का दूसरा ट्रेलर हुआ रिलीज, देखें मनोरंजन जगत की खबरें

फिल्म \'एक लड़की को देखा तो ऐसा लगा\' का दूसरा ट्रेलर हुआ रिलीज, देखें मनोरंजन जगत की खबरें from bollywood

सनी, आलिया और विद्या से लेकर दिशा तक, डब्बू रतनानी कैलेंडर के लिए TOPLESS हुईं ये बॉलीवुड हसीनाएं

मशहूर फोटोग्राफर डब्बू रतनानी के सेलिब्रिटी कैलेंडर को इस साल 20 वर्ष पूरे हो गए हैं. डब्बू रतनानी कैलेंडर के 20वें अंक में बॉलीवुड के कई बड़े सितारे नज़र आ रहे हैं. इस बार शाहरुख खान, ऐश्वर्या राय बच्चन, टाइगर श्रॉफ, जैकलीन फर्नांडीज़ से लेकर सनी लियोनी और कियारा from bollywood

Hero Vardiwala में दंबग अंदाज में नजर आ रहे हैं निरहुआ, सोशल मीडिया पर वायरल है इसका ट्रेलर

वेब सीरीज के इस जमाने में बॉलीवुड हो या फिर हॉलीवुड सभी एक्टर्स इनमें अपना हाथ आजमा रहे हैं. अब भला ऐसे में भोजपुरी सिनेमा के सुपरस्टार्स इसमें पीछे कैसे रह सके थे. हाल ही में ऑल्ट बालाजी भारत की पहली भोजपुरी वेब सीरीज लेकर आई है. इस वेब from bollywood

सोनम कपूर को लेकर बोले अर्जुन कपूर, आपकी जैसी बहन पाने पर मुझे गर्व है

फिल्म 'एक लड़की को देखा तो ऐसा लगा' में काम करने के लिए अर्जुन कपूर ने अपनी चचेरी बहन सोनम के. आहूजा की तारीफ करते हुए उन्हें साहसी कहा है. अभिनेता ने यह भी कहा कि उन्हें अभिनेत्री और अपने चाचा अनलि कपूर पर गर्व है कि दोनों ने from bollywood

'एक चुम्मा तू हमको उधार दे दे' गाना विवाद पर हाई कोर्ट ने दी गोविंदा को बड़ी राहत

झारखंड हाई कोर्ट ने 'छोटे सरकार' के गीत 'एक चु्म्मा तो मुझको उधार दे दे, बदले में यूपी - बिहार ले ले... ' मामले में मंगलवार को फिल्म अभिनेत्री शिल्पा शेट्टी और अभिनेता गोविंदा को राहत दी है. हाई कोर्ट ने उनके खिलाफ पाकुड़ की जिला अदालत में चल रही from bollywood

शरमन जोशी की फिल्म The Least of These का ट्रेलर रिलीज, धर्म परिवर्तन के गंभीर मुद्दे को उठाती है फिल्म

<p style="text-align: justify;">एक्टर शरमन जोशी की फिल्म 'द लीस्ट ऑफ दीज़' का ट्रेलर आज रिलीज किया गया है. फिल्म का ये ट्रेलर फिल्हाल अंग्रेजी भाषा में रिलीज किया गया है. फिल्म की कहानी देश की ही एक सच्ची घटना से प्रेरित है.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">फिल्म की कहानी के केंद्र में from bollywood

दुखद: 99 साल की उम्र में नाना पाटेकर की मां निर्मला पाटेकर का निधन, मुंबई में हुआ अंतिम संस्कार

<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>मुंबई:</strong> अभिनेता नाना पाटेकर की मां निर्मला पाटेकर का आज मुंबई में निधन हो गया. वो 99 साल की थीं. रिपोर्ट्स के मुताबिक आज शाम करीब 5.30 बजे ओशिवारा श्मशान घाट पर उनका अंतिम संस्कार किया गया. अंतिम संस्कार में नाना पाटेकर के अलावा उनके कुछ करीबी from bollywood

मनमोहन सिंह से लेकर नरेंद्र मोदी पर आ रही फिल्में, क्या आम चुनावों पर होगा इनका असर?

<p style="text-align: justify;">देश में इन दिनों चुनावी रंग छाया हुआ है और हर जगह राजनीतिक माहौल नजर आ रहा है. ऐसा तो बहुत बार होते देखा गया है कि राजनेता प्रचार के लिए अक्सर बॉलीवुड स्टार्स का सहारा लेते हैं, कई बार ऐसा भी देखा गया है कि कई from bollywood

'स्टूडेंट ऑफ द ईयर-2' और 'बागी-3 ' को लेकर मुझ पर दबाव है- टाइगर श्रॉफ

<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>मुंबई</strong>: अभिनेता टाइगर श्रॉफ का कहना है कि वह अपनी आगामी फिल्मों 'स्टूडेंट ऑफ द ईयर-2' और 'बागी-3' की रिलीज को लेकर दबाव में हैं. उन्होंने 2018 में 'बागी-2' जैसी सफल फिल्म की थी. टाइगर, डब्बू रत्नानी के 2019 के कैलेंडर लॉन्च की पार्टी में शामिल हुए.</p> <p from bollywood

मणिकर्णिका विवाद: निर्देशक कृष के समर्थन में उतरीं पूजा भट्ट, कहा- ये इंडस्ट्री तो ऐसी नहीं थी

<strong>Manikarnika - The Queen of Jhansi Controversy :</strong> कंगना रनौत की फिल्म 'मणिकर्णिका' को लेकर हाल ही में इसके निर्देशक कृष ने अपनी चुप्पी तोड़ी और उन पर कई गंभीर आरोप लगाए. फिल्म रिलीज के बाद कृष ने चुप्पी तोड़ी है और फिल्म का ये विवाद एक बार  फिर from bollywood

IN PICS: ‘सेक्रेड गेम्स’ के सेट पर खेलते-कूदते नज़र आए तैमूर, शूटिंग करने साथ ले गए थे सैफ अली खान

सैफ अली खान और करीना कपूर खान के छोटे नवाब तैमूर अली खान अपनी क्यूटनेस की वजह से हर किसी के दिल में बस गए हैं. आज फिर उनकी कुछ बेहद प्यारी तस्वीरें सामने आई हैं. (तस्वीर: इंस्टाग्राम) from bollywood

जलपरी बनी खूबसूरत सनी लियोनी को देख धड़का हनी सिंह का दिल,फिर गाया ये गाना

इन दिनों सनी लियोनी जलपरी बनी नजर आ रही हैं from bollywood

प्रियंका के पति निक को डेट करना चाहती हैं ये बॉलीवुड एक्ट्रेस, 'कॉफी विद करन' में हुआ खुलासा

करण जौहर के चैट शो में अक्सर कई सेलिब्रिटीज दिल खोलकर बात करते हैं from bollywood

VIDEO SONG: ‘कर्ज़’ के हिट गाने का रीमिक्स वर्ज़न है ‘टोटल धमाल’ का पहला गाना ‘पैसा ये पैसा’

<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>मुंबई</strong><strong>:</strong> अजय देवगन, अनिल कपूर, माधुरी दीक्षित और अरशद वारसी जैसे सितारों से सजी मल्टी स्टारर फिल्म ‘टोटल धमाल’ का पहला गाना ‘पैसा ये पैसा’ रिलीज़ हो गया है. ये गाना साल 1980 में आई ऋषि कपूर की फिल्म ‘कर्ज़’ के सुपरहिट गाने का रीमिक्स वर्ज़न है. from bollywood

बेनामी संपत्ति मामले में शाहरुख खान को बड़ी राहत, IT के कुर्की आदेश को कोर्ट ने बताया आधारहीन

अभिनेता शाहरुख खान को बेनामी संपत्ति का लाभार्थी होने के आरोप से दोषमुक्त कर दिया गया. इस मामले में आयकर विभाग के संपत्ति कुर्की के आदेश को अपीलीय न्यायाधिकरण ने आधारहीन बताया है. खान की यह संपत्ति महाराष्ट्र के अलीबाग में है. न्यायिक प्राधिकरण (एए) ने खान और एक कंपनी from bollywood

The Panasonic TX-P60ZT65B Owners Thread

So with the imminent arrival of the TX-P60ZT65 into stores, I noticed there wasn't an owners thread yet I thought there needed to be one what with all the people with pre-orders so here we go. I will become a temporary owner tomorrow when 2 get delivered to store but both of those have orders against at the moment so no chance to play with one unless one of the customers decide to cancel their orders.... The Panasonic TX-P60ZT65B Owners Thread from AVForums

Hisense Richer sounds discouragement

Hi, thanks for allowing me to join your group. I am looking to buy the Hisense 50 inch A6100 or A6200 but can not see it set up anywhere to view it before i buy. Also i have been in two Richer sounds stores and both stores have tried to discourage me buying these tvs and steered me towards LG sets instead. Is there a reason they would do this, do they get more commission on LG or higher priced sets. from AVForums

NEWS: TIDAL Masters (MQA) now available on Android

TIDAL, the subscription-based music streaming service, has made its Masters quality service available on all Android smartphones. Read the news. from AVForums

Velodyne DD+ / DD comparison

I've been a Velodyne stalwart for many years now, those of you who know my AV habits will know that if there's one piece of kit which has remained pretty constant over the last 6 (!) years, it's the Velodyne DD15 sub. Even to this day, in my opinion this beast still holds its own, and yes it can be bettered, but your choices are very limited if you want high end sub-bass performance in a relatively compact box. Yes you can buy multiple BK Monoliths for the price of one Velodyne (sorry,... Velodyne DD+ / DD comparison from AVForums