Hitchcock, 300, V for Vendetta and more in our latest 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray update

V for Vendetta

Heads-up, folks!

This is just a quick news update (and a rare Saturday post) to let you all know that we’ve added or updated a number of titles in our 4K Ultra HD Release List here at The Digital Bits based on new information from our industry and retail sources.


Universal is apparently working on an Alfred Hitchcock 4K Collection that’s set to include Vertigo, Psycho, The Birds, and Rear Window. We’ve mentioned these titles before on The Bits, but European retail sources are now suggesting that they’ll arrive around September (and Psycho has just been listed on the Best Buy website). Also coming in September or October is the long awaited Back to the Future Trilogy: 35th Anniversary Edition Collection. [Read on here...]

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Meanwhile, director Edgar Wright has just confirmed that he’s working on a 4K release of Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (this year marks the film’s 10th anniversary). And we’ve gotten more word that David Lynch’s Dune and David Twohy’s The Chronicles of Riddick are also on the way to 4K (Arrow is a possible licensee for these two, given that they’ve already announced Flash Gordon and Pitch Black for 4K release here in the States—note that postcards in some of Arrow’s recent Blu-ray releases appear to confirm at least Dune, if not yet the formats).

Sony is working on a physical 4K UHD release of Neill Blomkamp’s District 9 for July or August (one is already listed for pre-order in Germany for 7/7) and sources suggest that Blomkamp’s Elysium and Rian Johnson’s Looper are in the works too (both are now available Digitally in 4K). So too is J. Lee Thompson’s The Guns of Navarone, which is considered highly likely for a the next Columbia Classics 4K Ultra HD Collection. And Phil Lord and Christopher Miller’s 21 Jump Street is apparently on the way as well (it’s already set for release in September in Europe).

On to Warner Bros. Home Entertainment… the studio is getting ready to deliver the Wachowskis’ V for Vendetta to 4K in October or November. And Zack Snyder’s 300 is coming to the format as well, probably in September or October. We’ve also heard back from sources that the 4K Ultra HD release of The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit have likely been moved to next year, which makes sense given everything that’s going on in the world (and also the fact that 2021 marks the 20th anniversary of Fellowship and should see the new “Middle Earth” series debut on Amazon Prime too).

Finally, sources tell us that The Indiana Jones Collection is likely to see 4K release in 2021. Though as is always the case, everything with Paramount involves a bit of guesswork.

That’s all for now. Stay tuned...

(You can follow Bill on social media at these links: Twitter and Facebook)



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