Ryzen 5 + MB combo and or i5 7600K cpu (see details below)

Hi all, I'm upgrading my spare PC from a G4560 cpu. So I'm looking for either a

i7 6700k.
i5 7600K cpu
i5 7600 cpu
i5 7500 cpu
One of the above cpu's is needed if I stay with my LGA 1151 socket existing set up.

An amd Micro ATX motherboard and cpu combo

So if I go the amd route I'd need a mixture of the below

Micro ATX B350 or B450 motherboard and

ryzen 5 1600 or 1600x (with stock cooler)
ryzen 7 1700 or 1700x (with stock cooler)
ryzen 5 2600 0r 2600x (with stock cooler)

I know...

Ryzen 5 + MB combo and or i5 7600K cpu (see details below)

from AVForums http://bit.ly/2K10iWY


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